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“A prayerful life stems from a worship filled heart.”

by Jon Holliday
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“A prayerful life stems from a worship filled heart.”
by Jon Holliday
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Why should I pray?
Prayer is not some small or marginal thing. Prayer is at the heart of why God created the universe. According to Isaiah 43:7, God created us for his glory. One of the primary ways God displays his glory in us is by being depended on through prayer. When we, as God’s people, look to him to satisfy all of our needs and wants, we make him look great. It is more glorious to be a giver than a getter, and God is the ultimate giver. In this new year, may we glorify God by being faithful getters; never ceasing to pray, depending on God as the faithful giver he is.
I often find myself wondering what God’s will is. This year, I want to encourage you that God’s will is that we as his creatures ask him for things in prayer. We see this pattern of prayer in the bible; God’s will is that we would pray. Not only does God will and command that we pray, but he delights in our asking of him (Proverbs 15:8). In Revelation 5:8, He tells us that our prayers come to him as sweet smelling incense.
Practical Prayer
Putting prayer into practice is not a small task. Sin can lure us out of prayer. Distraction, lack of follow through, and absent-mindedness can rob us of the joys of prayer. One practice that has helped me to be more steadfast and alert in prayer (Col. 4:2), comes from John Piper. He says he prays in concentric circles. Start with yourself and work your way out from there. For example, I pray for myself, then my family, then my friends, coworkers, then my church, then my community, etc. until I get to the outer circle which is the nations. Consider praying this way, drawing out your own circles, engraving them in you mind and letting the spirit and your heart dictate specific needs in these circles.
-Ben Wright
by Jon Holliday
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[linkarea background_color=”” hover_color=”accent1″ href=”https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/5-chronological” target=”_blank” icon=”” icon_color=”accent6″ icon_size=”62″ image=””]
The Blue Letter Bible “Chronological” plan is compiled according to recent historical research, taking into account the order in which the recorded events actually occurred. This is a fantastic plan to follow if you wish to add historical context to your reading of the Bible. If the schedule provided is followed, the entire Bible will be read in one calendar year.
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[linkarea background_color=”” hover_color=”accent1″ href=”https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/48-ccv-the-bible-in-one-year” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_color=”accent6″ icon_size=”62″ image=””]
The Bible in ONE Year Reading plan was designed by Christ’s Church of the Valley to help you read through the entire Bible in one year. Each week day you will be provided with readings from the New Testament, Old Testament and Psalms or Proverbs. There are no readings on the weekends to allow you to catch-up or get ahead.
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[linkarea background_color=”” hover_color=”accent1″ href=”https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/60-the-one-year-bible” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_color=”accent6″ icon_size=”62″ image=””]
Experience the insights and joy gained from reading the entire Bible. You can do it in as little as 15 minutes a day with The One Year ® Bible, the world’s most popular annual reading Bible. Daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs will guide you through God’s Word in one year.
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[linkarea background_color=”” hover_color=”accent1″ href=”https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/206-eat-this-book” target=”_self” icon=”” icon_color=”accent6″ icon_size=”62″ image=””]
Following aspects of the traditional Jewish order in the Old Testament, this plan offers a sustainable reading pace, allowing you to experience first the Old Testament and then the New Testament in one year. Each day, you’ll explore an average of four chapters, and you’ll close your time in prayer by reading a Psalm.
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