Series Overview
“Mark demonstrates that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah who inaugurates God’s kingdom through his suffering, death, and resurrection. The Gospel of Mark is a carefully crafted story that gives an account of Jesus’ life and addresses the question of whether or not He is the Jewish Messiah.“
“In the first half, everyone questions who He is, the middle questions the disciples’ belief about Him and the second half tells how He became the Messiah. Many Jews hoped that the Messiah would overthrow the Romans and rule as king, but as we read this book, we see that He came as a servant to set up the kingdom of God on earth. While He is the Son of God, He also sacrificed His life to save people from slavery to sin. The book’s abrupt ending challenges us to decide if we believe He is the Messiah.” –Bible Project
We’ve entitled our series through Mark’s Gospel, “The King and His Cross.” The King summarizes the first half of the book in terms of Jesus’ identity as King, and the cross signifies the purpose for which He came and how Jesus was inaugurating His Kingdom. Along the way, we are invited and challenged to respond to the person and work of Jesus in authentic discipleship.
Watch the video below for a more detailed overview of Mark’s Gospel:
Sermon Schedule
At Harvest Church our style of preaching is called expositional, meaning that we will teach through the entirety of the Gospel of Mark, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Our schedule will take us through to the end of 2021. If you would like to read ahead or it would serve you in some other way, the sermon schedule can be found HERE.
Recommended Resources
A Theology of Mark: The Dynamic Between Christology and Authentic Discipleship (Explorations in Biblical Theology) by Hans F. Bayer
Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God by Tim Keller
Exalting Jesus in Mark (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Danny Akin
Mark: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
For Families
Mark’s Marvellous Book: Learning about Jesus through the Gospel by Alan Mann
Mom’s FREE Guide to reading Scripture with children HERE.