It is our delight to draw near to God in prayer
In prayer we commune with God–praising Him for who He is and what He has done, asking Him to meet our needs, and advancing His mission in the world.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thes. 5:16-18
Need Prayer?
It is our joy to serve you by praying for you. If there is any way we can be praying for you, please let us know by filling out the following form: PRAYER REQUEST.
If you would like in-person prayer on a given Sunday, please see our connect tent, and someone would be happy to pray for you.
Overview of Prayer Ministry:
We invite everyone to participate more in the prayer ministry of Harvest Church! We love to partner in prayer. Our formal prayer ministry opportunities are the following:
◦ Corporate Worship: Every Sunday we set apart time in our gathering to join in corporate prayer.
◦ Weekly Prayer Walk: Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm at the church building except on the second Tuesday. Feel free to join us! (Note: we are moving the prayer walk to 10am on Tuesdays starting May 27)
◦ Monthly Partner Spotlight: Each month we highlight one of our primary ministry partners, praying for them in corporate worship and sending prayer requests through our Harvest Weekly.
◦ Monthly Prayer for the Nations Call: On the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:45-8:45 pm, on Zoom, we pray for God’s global mission. If you would like to join, check the Ministry Partners tab on Church Center. The links to the prayer requests document and Zoom call are toward the bottom of the page under “Upcoming Opportunities.”
◦ Quarterly Prayer Meeting: Each quarter our church gathers specifically to pray and praise God together (usually Sunday 5-6pm). Information in the Harvest Weekly email.
◦ Annual Prayer Week: One week a year we as a church commit to an increased time of devotion in prayer. Information in the Harvest Weekly email.
“And in one accord they devoted themselves to prayer.” – Acts 1:14