Outreach and Missions
Missional Prayer
On the second Tuesday of each month, a group gathers together on Zoom to pray for our ministry partners around the globe. The call is about an hour starting at 7:45pm. Email outreach@harvestrdu.com to get the link to join!
In addition, we have a weekly and quarterly prayer walk in the neighborhoods surrounding our property to pray for the welfare of our neighborhood and community and for those who live in close proximity to encounter Jesus and come to a saving faith.
Foster Care + Adoption Ministry
Each year Harvest volunteers host two respite nights in the Spring and Fall for families who have adopted or are fostering. We partner with Lifeline Children’s Services to provide a structured, trauma-informed evening of childcare so that parents can have an evening off. Email info@harvestrdu.com to learn more about volunteering or bringing your kids for a night of fun.
Outreach Events
We have a couple outreach picnics that we host each year directly following our worship service. The aim of these picnics is to engage visitors and neighbors further and build relationships that cause people to want to stay and connect with the life of our church. It’s a great opportunity to invite our neighbors, family, friends, and coworkers. Please join our Church Center App or check our Instagram or Facebook pages for more details.
We have eight Ministry Partners, each supported by an A-Team (short for “Advocacy Team”) — a group from our church dedicated to praying for the partner, staying in regular communication, and building a deeper relationship to support their work.
Short-Term Trips
Each year, we send a team to Metro NYC for “Sifting Week,” an intentional outreach in partnership with Global Gates. Through prayer and purposeful conversations, our team moves through diverse neighborhoods, seeking those who are searching for God. When we find spiritually open individuals, we connect them with resources and a dedicated team to help them explore faith further. Contact Maria below if you’re interested in learning more.
Ministry Partners
A partner is someone with whom we desire to have an intentional relationship, supporting the ministry and the people involved through prayer, financial giving, and entering into their various needs in whatever capacity we can.
We support a family in hard-to-reach areas in South Asia who are working to multiply disciples.
We support a family who is helping plant a church in a hard-to-reach area in South Asia.
We support a local couple who after 25+ years overseas are now spearheading an evangelistic outreach to Central Asians in the Triangle.
We support a couple serving in Central America who are equipping believers to be sent into the nations.
Ministry Connections
A connection is an organization we are connected to or support in some way. If you are looking for ways to serve, any of these connections may be a great option!
Get Involved
If you would like to get involved, click on a ministry link above or reach out to Maria at outreach@harvestrdu.com

Maria Hogan