Daily Devotionals
Useful Articles and Resources
TGC – Share Your #JesusChangedMyLife Story
TGC – Holy Week: Palm Sunday: March 29, AD 33
Passover Guide
Celebrating Easter At Home Guide
Harvest Kids
Parents and guardians!
Welcome to our virtual Holy Week experience! As I was thinking about Resurrection Sunday and Holy Week back in January I had a lot of things I was excited about partnering with you and the teachers to captivate our kids’ hearts with the beauty and centrality of this week in the life of Jesus and its implications in our lives. However, as we are all very well aware, a lot has changed since early January 2020 and not much in our lives is happening as planned or anticipated but after talking with the Pastors we decided to figure out a way to connect with you and your kids each day this week. So my kids and I are sharing with you all what we typically have done the past 3 or 4 years of Holy Week.
There is nothing polished or particularly special about the videos you’ll view this week. You’ll hear me correcting my kids on film, see them make silly faces, and who knows what else! But I pray your kids will be encouraged and reminded of the journey Jesus went through this week 2,000+ years ago and that the beauty of Christ and His glorious gospel will captivate their hearts and minds! I am praying for you as you have conversations throughout this week. I am praying the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom and your child(ren) hearts of understanding. I am praying He plants seeds of truth and life deep in their hearts. I am praying for Him to regenerate hearts and lives this week! I love you all very much! Here’s to the King!
Lauren Bishop