Series Overview
We’ve entitled our series through 1 Peter, “Chosen Sojourners”, taking that line of thought from Wayne Grudem who calls this a two-word sermon that sums up the entire letter. We are a chosen people, called to eternal life with Christ, but temporarily called to live in a foreign land filled with suffering and persecution. How then are we to do so? Peter’s letter tells us. We are to do so with hope, trust, joy, and good works, testifying to the glory and grace of Jesus Christ in the gospel.
Perhaps 1 Peter 4:19 provides the best summary verse of the book, “Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good (ESV).”
Watch the video below for a more detailed overview of 1 Peter by the Bible Project:
Sermon Schedule
Our schedule will take us through May 2022. If you would like to read ahead or it would serve you in some other way, the sermon schedule can be found HERE.
Recommended Resources
Look at the Book Videos: 1 Peter by John Piper
1 Peter by Wayne Grudem
A Living Hope, 1 Peter by Jenn Wilken
1–2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul
For Families
Follow Jesus With Peter: His Letter in 25 Readings, Revised Edition by Matthew Sleeman
Right Now Media Kids Animated Bible Story
ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: 1-2 Peter, Jude (gold/green)